How to Join


How to Become an EBRA Referee

If you are a referee with an existing Arbiter Sports account, please follow the instructions below to join EBRA via this system:

  1. Go to and enter your sign in information (top right of page).
    User ID:  (Officials Email Address)
    Password: Don’t remember your password? Reset your password.
    (Note: the first time you sign in you must accept the Terms & Conditions)
  2. Check your Profile page to make sure your personal information is accurate.  Phone numbers can be updated by clicking the Phones link.  You can also upload a photo of yourself using the link on the left menu – assigning groups and schools find it helpful to see your face with your name.
  3. Block the dates that you aren’t available to officiate by going to the Blocks tab and selecting the dates you can’t work.
  4. Set the distance you are willing to drive for an assignment by clicking on Travel Limits under the Blocks tab.  You can set a different travel limit for each day of the week.

That’s it!  You will be notified by email when you are assigned any games.  Come back to ArbiterSports to review your assignments, and to accept or decline them.  Always remember to click the Submit button after you accept or decline any assignments.

If you have any issues accessing your account, please contact ArbiterSports at for assistance.

If you are a New Referee or do not have a Arbiter Sports account, please contact EBRA General Manager Moe Shafai at: or EBRA’s Lead Assignor Val Huerta at: or Alexander Delgado Jr. at: